Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Florida Facts

My Mom and I dug up some interesting Florida Facts this time about the geography of Florida.

*We are using imperial measurements because we are in the US right now. If you need to do the conversions, here is the link.

Now, here are some good Florida geography facts:

1. Longitude: 79° 48' W to 87° 38' W and Latitude: 24° 30' N to 31° N

2. Florida is 500 miles long and 160 miles wide

3. On the west Florida is bordered by Alabama and Gulf of Mexico.

4. On the north Florida is bordered by Alabama and Georgia.

5. To the south and to the east it is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean.

6. Florida is the 22nd largest of the 50 states.

7. Florida is the 3rd wettest state after Alaska and Michigan with 11, 769 square miles covered by water.

I hope that you have learned a little about the geography of where I am currently living. I will be back with some new Florida Facts soon.

xo M.


  1. Thanks for the geography facts! Maybe there could be some animal facts next Monday. By the way, I caught your cough via Skype last week!

  2. Good to know! I'd like some facts about the Florida Keys as Bos is taking me there next month.
    Pa XO

  3. Nice!!
    Jet Skiing and Little Cuba - can't get much better than that!
    Thanks for my postcard Max, the Marrs and Winters know how to make a Birthday Girl feel special...

  4. Max.

    Your facts and figures are quite interesting. I am pretty keen to learn about the alligators in the Keys and the likelihood of being eaten by one.

    I will be watching Charlie's Angels tomorrow. I loved the original series. I kind of fancied myself as the smart brunette.

    Take good care of yourself, Max. I love your blog and the photos of you so

  5. Good Morning Max, love reading all about Florida since I am actually a native, born(a while ago)in Jacksonville, Fla. after high school I attended University of Florida---go gators---after college I moved to Sarasota,Fla. for a while and then to St Petersburg, Fla(had a beach house on Anna Maria Island near Bradenton,Fla.) then ended up in Charlotte,N.C. and Charleston,S.C. where I am today. I will be watching tonight and for sure next week, 9/29.. soooo exciting. Have a great day!

  6. Hi Max,
    I thought Hawaii was the wettest state... then I realized that it wasn't rainfall you were talking about.
    Just for comparison to something you might know... Vancouver Island is about 300 miles long and about 70 miles (at its widest).
    So, that makes Florida roughly how many times bigger than Vancouver Island? See, there's math everywhere!
    xoxo! Miles

  7. Charlie and I are so sad that we missed your call the other day! Call again okay.. this weekend maybe?

  8. Have you seen any Manatee's yet?
    That's some interesting stuff on the State!

