Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Fastest Thing I Did This Weekend

Today was a pretty fun Sunday. See that picture above? That is a photo of me and my Dad on a Jet Ski. We were showing my Mom a bit of a trick and she managed to capture it on the camera. Pretty cool hey!

When we got back from lunch my Dad and I headed down to the Miami Beach Marina, aka MBM. This is the place where you can rent jet skis by the hour. Once we arrived we were fitted for life jackets and then we were sent to a blue jet ski. We went straight to the bay in front of our apartment to see if my Mom was on our balcony. When we first arrived she wasn't there so we did a loop of the bay.

We went around Star Island. This is a man-made island that we can see from our apartment. This is where a bunch of celebrities live, such as Gloria Estefan, Sean Combs and Shaq.

When we came back around we spotted her on our balcony and she was looking for us with the binoculars. Once she saw us she went and fetched her camera and she took a bunch of photos of us.

I liked being on the jet ski because I like going fast. When we hit the big waves though I got a bit scared and it made me feel pretty sea sick.

Just wanted to update you guys on my Sunday and I will be back here tomorrow with my weekly Florida Fact.

Happy weekend!



  1. Hey Max, That looks amazing! The closest that Bos & I have been to a Jet Ski is the Chute-the-chute at the PNE.
    Rock on kid!
    Pa & Bos

  2. Cool photo! I love jet skis they are so fun. Although I find they can tip over easy when going slow. Years ago I dumped Ross over into the channel near my moms house and that wasn't too fun because it's full of weeds!

    What a great Sunday at MBM!

    xo rolti

  3. Looks like you had a great time! Sarolta's right, it's no fun doing the dog paddle through invasive species!


  4. I got sea sick just from reading your post. Sounds like fun for you and your dad. I was at the Santa Barbara and the Daily Catch on Saturday so I thought of you and your parents. All is status quo.

    Hey I will be in Savannah in April - I wonder if you will still be jet skiing in Miami with Gloria and Shaq?

  5. Looks like to me you are making the best out of your move to Miami. Makes me want to be a "kid" all over again. My son, who is all grown-up and the awesome father of two beautiful children, loved, loved, loved the jet-ski- also. Are you ready to water-ski next? Have fun and study hard. Oh, by the way I'll be tuned in tomorrow night for the "Angels" and thinking about you all.

  6. Bos and Pa: Jet skiing was awesome Pa. What exactly is the Chute-the-Chute? xo M

    Rolti:They are really fun. I was worried that my Dad was going to tip over when he leaned over to get the water bottles. It felt like the jet-ski was going to tip right over but thankfully it didn't.

    Ross: I bet!

    Leslie: My Mom says to say hello to the Daily Catch folks when you are there next. She really misses them. As far as being here in April it will all depend on the rating of the show but the word on the street is "thumbs down". If we are still here we would love to have you visit us. xo M

    Monteen: It seems like your son and I are alike. I am not quite ready to water ski yet but maybe when I am a bit older. As far the Angels the premier is on the 22nd but make sure you watch the one that my Dad worked on which will be the following Thursday, September 29th.
