Monday, September 26, 2011

Florida Facts #3

Hi, I'm back with my weekly Florida Fact. Today we are going to be learning about Manatees. I had never heard about this mammal before I came to Florida. Then, a couple of weeks ago I saw a Mum and a baby in the water near our apartment.

The Manatee is a fascinating creature. Well, at least I am fascinated by them.

Here are 10 top facts about the Florida Manatees.

1. The Manatee is the state mammal of Florida.

2. Manatees are a large aquatic relative to the elephant.

3. They are herbivores that eat marine and freshwater plants.

4. They are 10 to 12 feet long and weigh 1,500 to 1,800 pounds.

5. Manatees live for 50 to 60 years in the wild.

6. The largest population of Manatees is in Florida where there are about 3000 of them.

7. They are an endangered species.

8. Some of the biggest threats that face them are climate change and boat strikes.

9. They are known for their gentle and slow moving nature.

10. Manatees communicate by squealing underwater to express excitement or fear.

 A couple of weeks ago I was with my Dad and we saw these two manatees in the water and they were adorable. My Dad took a video with his phone. Here is the video:

Hope you enjoyed this Florida Fact post about the amazing Manatee.

See you soon!



  1. Wow! Manatees! Who knew!

    I think it would be a cool idea to make up a Manatee dance for the Hallowe'en sock hop... Kind of a sweet, slow dance. The girls will LOVE that one! Hey, maybe that could be your costume!!!! Or Scarface.


  2. I ate so much over the summer months you would not be able to distinguish me from the sad but true.

  3. That's way more than I knew about Manatees before. Love the video... even the sideways parts!

    Thanks Max!


  4. I love Manatees! Maybe I'll get to see some too! Fingers crossed!

    xo rolti

  5. AWESOME post.I loved seeing the manatees when I lived in Florida. Now I watch with admiration and wonder at the beautiful dolphins playing in the waters in Charleston, S.C. The video is great- I've watched it several times - what a treat..Thanks for sharing..I'll be watching tomorrow night Charlie's Angels..

  6. Amazing facts, Max! I never knew that about manatees. They are adorable, I hope I get to see one sometime. I hope you are having fun in Miami, and enjoying school this year. We miss you guys! I'm looking forward to when you come and visit over Christmas.

  7. Lisa: Not sure about any of those ideas. Still don't know what my costume is going to be for Halloween but we are working on it.

    Leslie: Thanks a lot for the video that you emailed me about the bear on Grouse Mountain. Your son-in-law sure has a cool job and can't wait to go up with you and a few friends to visit.

    Ross: I have learned a lot about Manatees and I am glad you did too!

    Rolti: I bet you will. Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!

    Monteen: Back home in Vancouver we have seen dolphins and whales in the water on the way to our cabin. Manatees are a very special thing about Florida.

    Kaitlin: Thanks for writing! It was great to get your comment. Say hi to Laura, and your Mom and Dad. When we get back for Christmas we will probably be back for good. I have lots of stories to tell you! xo M
