Monday, October 24, 2011

A Fun-filled Florida Party with My Friends

This past weekend was great. Here are two reasons why:

1. On Sunday I went to a Miami Dolphins football game with my Dad. We had a great afternoon eating pizza, chicken fingers and drinking soda while we cheered on the home team. The Dolphins were winning 15 to 0 (two touchdowns and one field goal) almost the whole game until the last three minutes when bam, bam, bam we were tied 15 to 15. The game went into overtime and then the other team scored a 3 point field goal and won the game. It was a bit sad but we still had a really great time. Go Dolphins go!

2. On Saturday was the very best part of my weekend. I invited three of my friends from school over to our apartment for a pool party. We met here at 1 pm and headed into my room to play some video games. One of my friends brought over his controllers so we could all play at the same time. We had a blast!

After that we went down to the pool to swim and have jumping contests. My Dad captured one of our contests which you can see above. We were seeing who could jump the farthest. After we played some football and then we ordered pizza. I really like these three guys and I was so glad that they could come over. We had an epic time together.

I only have three more days of school left and on Thursday we are having a Halloween party and dance. I am really looking forward to it..

I should be back before with a Florida fact before then!



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hey Max.
    I didn't see the game, but that sounds like it would have been a lot of fun. I just recently saw a show about the demolition of the Orange Bowl, where the Dolphins used to play - which was around since 1935 or something like that.
    Looking forward to seeing you, but I understand that it will be a bit sad to leave now that you are starting to get into the swing of things. Hope to see you on Skype soon!
    xo, mc
    (The previous comment was deleted because of a glaring spelling error).

  3. Max I hope we can be privy to a full report on the dance and subsequent what is the candy to eat and if one is to dress up in costume in 2011 one should consider being....? Thanks in advance because i heed help with this event.

  4. Hey Maxwell,
    We are glad you had such a good time with your Buds at the pool party.
    Hope you guys have good weather on your travels before coming home.
    Rock on Kid!
    Boss & Pa

  5. Pool party? Fun! What are you dressing up as for the Halloween party? I keep forgetting to buy candy, which I had better do asap or we'll be locking the door, turning out the lights and hiding under the bed!

    See you soon!

    xo rolti

  6. I love this photo! Soon you'll be able to use this blog to keep in touch with your Florida pals instead of your Vancouver ones!
