Thursday, October 6, 2011

Florida Facts #5

Sorry that we are so delayed this week, but it has been a bit exciting around here. On Tuesday, our good friend Sarolta came to visit and is staying with until Saturday. My Mom is very happy!

So, here are our 10 Florida facts, this time about the FLORIDA EVERGLADES!

We went there to visit on Sunday and we really enjoyed it. We didn't know at all what to expect but in the end it was one of the most amazing and enjoyable days that we have had in Florida. We all loved it!

Some of the highlights for me included:
-holding a real live baby alligator
-holding a live boa constrictor snake
-standing up to my knees in the Everglades
-going an island to see a small cabin where one of the presidents of the United States used to go and play poker
-getting to sit up front with the skipper, named Keith, of the airboat

Okay, now on to the Everglade facts:
1. The Everglades are made up of 10,000 different islands.
2. The Everglades are the largest area of wetlands in USA.
3. This area is home to 67 different threatened and endangered species.
4 .The Everglades have 7 different species of ferns.
5. Native Americans living in and around the river called it Pahayokee, the "grassy waters".
6. The Everglades is the only place in the world where the American alligator and crocodile co-exist in the wild.
7. The Everglades is a World Heritage Site and International Biosphere Reserve.
8. The grassy plants that are everywhere are known as sawgrass and have serrated razor edge blades that are so sharp they can cut through clothing.
9. Many animals live in the Everglades including the racoon, skunk, opossum, bobcat and white tailed deer.
10. While the Everglades is often described as a swamp or forest wetland it is actually a very slow moving freshwater river.

Just wanted to say a big thanks to Curtis, Griffin, Sara and Molly from Queen Victoria school for writing to me.

Here are some more photos of our time in the Everglades. I will post again soon!



  1. I'm so jealous. I want to ride in an air boat! Are you wearing shorts in the Sawgrass? How well did your legs hold up against it?

    It looks like an awesome trip. Tell Sarolta I'll do the dishes before she gets home.


  2. Max, these pictures are AWESOME. I cannot believe you had the giant snake around your neck! And the baby alligator looks pretty cute but what about that freaky disembodied alligator head in the glass tank?!?!?!?! Yikes. You are a brave one.

  3. There's nothing better than discovering new and wonderful places and things. Beautiful pictures!! everyone looks so happy, even the animals. I hope you have started a book--Max's Memories--or something like that so you can document all your adventures and beautiful pictures....they are PRICELESS...Have a great day!

  4. Hey Max! Did you eat turkey yesterday?

  5. Ross: The trip was awesome. I was wearing shorts in the saw grass and my legs were fine except for a couple of small scratches.

    Lisa: I also had a snake around my neck at the Spring Fling at my school last year. It is not scary at all but my Mom wouldn't even touch the snake. The baby alligator was pretty cute and the one in the one in the glass case wasn't scary because it was dead. xo M

    Leslie: Thanks. By the way I meant to tell you I think that you look great with your braces off! Also, we didn't have turkey on Thanksgiving but my Mom did make a pumpkin cake.

    Monteen: I do love discovering new places. It was an epic day!
